AMP Inc., USA will provide mentorship and networking opportunities for prospective students and professionals of Indian Muslim origin who are already in the United States or want to come to the US. To this end, AMP USA will appoint a task force to collect information about, and coordinate with, other organizations engaged in mentorship and networking and develop an AMP Branded Mentorship and Networking program. The task force will consist of a group leader and 2-3 members from the AMP USA group. The task force will set up specific goals with inputs from AMP USA members for networking, counselling, and financial assistance for applicants in need aimed at helping Muslims of Indian origin. Specifically, the task force will
- Identify existing organizations that can be used for mentorship and networking;
- Identify the services provided by these organizations that can be helpful for mentorship and networking and create a database of the existing resources and services;
- Document the type of existing resources and services and assess the quality of the services offered by each organization and identify gaps between what is needed for the community and what is available;
- Identify and adopt best practices from similar organizations working in the areas of networking and mentorship;
- Develop an AMP branded mentorship and networking program to cover the gaps;
- Form partnership with existing organizations and develop collaborative relationships to work for educational and professional advancement of the Indian Muslim community;
- Once an application for assistance/mentorship is received, the task force will determine what type(s) assistance is needed and then figure out an appropriate match between the applicant’s interests/needs and services provided by other organizations and refer the applicant to the organization that can serve the applicant best;
- If no such organization is available to assist an applicant, the task force will make every endeavor within its capacity to provide guidance and other assistance to the applicant from AMP USA’s resources and services;
- The task force will maintain a file for each mentorship as to what assistance was sought, what services were provided, and how;
- At the end of each year, the task force will evaluate all the mentorship provided.
To achieve those, the following steps are recommended:
Step I: Creation of the AMP USA Mentorship and Networking Task Force (Month 1).
Step II: Setting up specific mentorship goals and how those will be achieved (Month 2)
Step III: Identifying other organizations engaged in similar activities and creation of the database of existing services and available resources (Month 3)
Step IV: Identifying gaps between desired objectives and available resources (Month 4)
Step V: Developing AMP branded mentorship and networking program (Month 6)