My name is Tankawala Ibrahim Khan, an engineering student. My father deals in footwears, however his income is inadequate to support my high engineering fees and other educational expenses. I appro
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I would like to thank AMP, Mumbai for everything. I received scholarship under the "AMP Zakat Fund Disbursement Programme-2015" scheme, which is a financial aid to support, inspire and mo
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I am Sufiyan Maniyar, student of Civil Engineering. AMP paid my college fees, while my family was facing financial problem. I am thankful to all the staff and President of AMP Mumbai. &nb
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My name is Sohail Momin. I am honored to be one of the recipients of the AMP Scholarship. Thanks a ton for the generous support.Growing up in a nunderprivileged community posed financial
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I am Md Imran Alam, I came to know about this magnanimous organization through Najeeb Sir. AMP provided me financial assistance for my education. I am extremely grateful to AMP for their
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My name is Butt Yunis. AMP awarded me with a scholarship of Rs.10,000/- that addressed various concerns viz-a-viz my studies.
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